Auto Ref / Kerato / Tono / pachymeter

Advanced & Innovative


autorefractometer, NIDEK, keratometer, tonometer, pachymeter, tonometer with pachymeter.

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Automated calculation of corrected IOP

The TONOREF™ III provides the automated calculation function of the corrected IOP based on the central corneal thickness.


Accommodation measurement

Objective measurement of accommodation is performed with patient's focusing on a target that moves from distance to near. 

Opacity assessment

The retroillumination image allows evaluation of media opacity.

Eye with light opacity

Eye with dense opacity

Large pupil zone imaging method

The large pupil zone imaging method measures the central refraction and a large area refraction.
The difference in the measurement allows assessment of the effect of pupil size on vision under mesopic conditions.

Double mire ring Method

Keratometry measurements performed with the mire ring method reduces interference from the eyelids.
The TONOREF™ III performs measurements at diameters of 3.3 mm and 2.5 mm.
Comparison of the two values allows a better understanding of the cornea shape.

Patient-friendly air puff

Automatic Puff Control (APC)

In subsequent measurements, the APC function performs the measurement with the minimum air pressure based on the previous measurement data.

Softer and quieter air puff

Gentle nozzle design

A gentle nozzle design reduces patient’s perception of physical pressure.


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